(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)
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Family Prayer
Old Testament Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 9:1-6
Song: His Mercy Is More
Song: Blessed Assurance
Song: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
New Testament Scripture Reading: Mark 15:33-41
The Cross of Christ
Psalm 22
1. The suffering of Christ on the cross vs. 1-21
a. Christ's abandonment from God vs. 1-2
b. Christ's affirmation of God's faithfulness vs. 3-5
c. Christ's scorn from His enemies vs. 6-8
d. Christ's trust in the Father vs. 9-11
e. Christ's affliction on the cross vs. 12-18
f. Christ's prayer to the Father vs. 19-21
2. Worship: the response to Christ's salvation vs. 22-31
1. Protestant Reformer Martin Luther coined a term, "righteous sinners." What did he mean by that term? Is it biblical?
2. Is Psalm 22 about David? Is it about Christ? Both? Give support for your answer!
3. It is an insult to God to ever imagine that He has forsaken us. We need to meditate on Christ’s sufferings on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. God has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. What type of separation from the Father did the Son of God experience? In what sense was He forsaken?
4. What does Psalm 22 teach us about missions?
5. How does the cross of Christ produce gratitude instead of a license to sin and legalism?
6. Do you spend adequate time in prayer, pleading with God to hear your cry and intervene on your behalf?
7. How could David have been accurate with the way in which Christ suffered? What prophecies did Christ fulfill in this Psalm?
Song: Indescribable