(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)
Family Prayer
Old Testament Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Song: Cornerstone
Song: Reformation Song
Song: Oh Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer
New Testament Scripture Reading: John 16:16-24
God's Immovable Kingdom
1. The passion of our praise vs. 1-19
a. Great distress vs. 4-6
b. The intervention of God vs. 7-15
c. The relief at God's deliverance vs. 16-19
2. The Strength of God's kingdom vs. 31-50
a. Celebrates vs. 31-42
b. Servants of the kingdom vs. 43-39
c. Promise vs. 50
1. David's long struggles had led him to know God better and love him more (vs. 1-3). What have you learned about God from your struggles?
2. Does it encourage you in Psalm 18 to see that God as one O.T. scholar wrote, "pulled out all the stops" to rescue just one man?
3. List the titles given to God in vs. 2. What do they mean? Discuss.
4. God is described as what in verses 7-15?
5. Do you spend enough time thinking about the many shreds of evidence in Scripture that show how invincible and sure the kingdom of God is?
6. Can you think of events in your own life when God's good purpose for you was seen independently of human planning, either yours or that of others?
7. What do verses 43-45 imply?
Song: It Is Well With My Soul