(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)

Family Prayer

Old Testament Scripture Reading: Jonah 2

Song: Taste and See

Song: Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

Song: Cross Medley

New Testament Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 2:1-13

MESSAGE from Psalm 14 & Psalm 53

Human Depravity

1. The fool described vs. 1

2. The Lord's assessment vs. 2-3

    a. Anyone understand

    b. Anyone seek after God

3. Sin's consequences vs. 4-6

4. The hope proclaimed vs. 7


1.  What does the fool mean by his statement, "There is no God"? In what ways do I foolishly live as if there were no God?

2. Does vs. 7 imply an exile?

3. Viewing this psalm in light of Romans 3:10-18 what do we learn about human nature?

4. What does the Psalm teach us about the need for and means of revival? Consider Isaiah 64.

5. Discuss the application of these Psalms in light of our current crisis in America.

6. What is the root problem of an atheist? How best can I help such a person?

Song: You Are God Alone