(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)
Family Prayer
Old Testament Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1-9
Song: Be Thou My Vision
Song: My Worth Is Not In What I Own
Song: The Lord’s My Shepherd
New Testament Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6
MESSAGE from Luke 11:1-4
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
Luke 11:1-4
1. Jesus' example to follow vs. 1
2. Put God's interests above our own vs. 2
a. God's character magnified vs, 2
b. God's reign would increase vs. 2
3. Our need for God's grace vs. 3-4
a. Daily needs vs. 3
b. The forgiveness of sin vs. 4
c. The power to resist temptation vs. 4
1. How would implementing Jesus’ pattern of prayer change your prayer life?
2. How do you reconcile Luke 11:4 with James 1:13?
3. Read Matthew 9:14-15. Is Jesus really teaching that our salvation is dependent on forgiving others? Isn't salvation free? What is Jesus teaching us?
4. Give some practical examples of how we are to put the kingdom of God above ourselves in our prayer life.
5. What does the following statement mean? God is for God? Discuss. Illustrate from Scripture!
6. Is it sinful to ask God for something we may want? How might it be sinful? What does Jesus teach us about praying for things?