Sunday School (9:30am): Children are invited to sit in the front two rows of the sanctuary during our Family Bible Study on Sunday mornings. We do not have age-segregated classes for Sunday School, but rather encourage the body to learn as one.

Sunday Corporate Worship: for the time being, all children are included in the corporate worship service at 10:30 each week. This is an opportune time to model worship for your child and teach them to participate in worship of the One True King in song and study. We provide a children’s outline, and kids of any age who listen and fill it out during the sermon can show it to Mrs. Bethany after the service for a sucker. Once our education spaces are repaired, we will go back to providing childcare for babies and toddlers during the service.

Wednesdays: We also offer a great Wednesday Night Bible Club during the school year. This program runs September-April and meets in the sanctuary of our church building from 6-7pm. Click HERE for more information about this program. 

VBS: Vacation Bible School is our annual summer outreach event. Click HERE for more information about VBS 2025.

Bethany Oliver is our Children's Director and can answer any questions you have about our children's programming. Contact her at 904-556-9265 or