(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)
Family Prayer
Old Testament Scripture Reading: Joel 2:12-17
Song: Crown Him With Many Crowns
Song: Reformation Song
Song: Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
New Testament Scripture Reading: Acts 2:36-47
MESSAGE from Psalm 18:20-30
The Consequence of Righteousness
1. The claims David makes vs. 20-24
2. The God David knows vs. 25-27
3. The help David receives vs. 38-30
1. We cannot over-emphasize the righteousness God gives us through Christ's work for us, but do we under-emphasize the importance of actual righteous living?
2. What is apostasy? What are some ways we see it in the church today? What are some recent examples in Evangelicalism lately?
3. Does verse 20 and 24 teach a "works righteousness"? What is it teaching? How do we know?
4. Why is grumbling about our circumstances a serious sin? What does it really reflect?
5. What gospel hope do we have that we'll never fall away from our faith? What assurances do we have that we'll stay the course?
6. Discuss vs. 30. The way of the LORD is perfect. The word of the LORD proves true. He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.
Song: Trust and Obey