(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)
Family Prayer
Old Testament Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 16:8-22
Song: Before the Throne of God Above
Song: Give Me Jesus
Song: Indescribable
New Testament Scripture Reading: Matthew 10:32-42
MESSAGE from Habakkuk 3:1-2
Habakkuk: From Fear to Faith
Genuine Prayer in the Midst of Crisis (Pandemic)
Habakkuk 3:1-2
1. The nature of genuine prayer vs. 1
2. The chief marks of genuine prayer vs. 2
a. Humility vs. 2
b. Awe vs. 2
c. Petition vs. 2
1. What does it mean to be genuine? What are some synonyms for genuine?
2. How would you describe prayer? Why is prayer important? Why does God want us to pray?
1. How can we expand our perspective in times of difficulty and hardship so that we are looking at the long term purposes of God rather than at our short term pain and perplexity?
2. Prayer is a response to the revelation of God in Scripture? How does that look?
3. If we were to honestly examine our hearts and allow the Spirit of God to reveal Scripture, is it possible that we are grumbling during this pandemic? Against quarantine? Against government? Should we stop?
4. How does the awe of God lead to worship? Are you in awe of God? Is it possible that you don't have the awe that you once had?
Song: Jesus Paid It All